Thursday, May 26, 2011

Homemade cereal milk ice cream

Once upon a time there was a, once low profile, eatery in a big fancy city that became widely popular called Momofuku.  They make delicious things, like Cereal Milk ice cream, for fabulous people.  Mmmm cartoons and cereal is one of life's most simple pleasures, made complete by slurping the cereal infused milk from the bottom of the bowl.  If only one could capture all the milky, sweet, cereal bliss in a semi-solid form. 

Momofuku did it first but I did it for you.  Here's a version to make at home and because I'm going on vacation next week, I lightened it up.  I also experienced an ethical dilemma while shopping for cereal.  I was going to make Fruity Pebble ice cream but the natural food isle called my name and I can happily report that this "natural" cereal, with no corn syrup or other crazy ingredients is good, better than Cinnamon Toast Crunch actually

Cinnamon Cereal Milk Ice Cream
Danger: special equipment required!  Ice cream maker (KitchenAid makes a killer one) or a barrel, some ice, salt, and a pioneer.

2 c. unsweetened almond milk*
2 c. cereal (you can choose whatever you'd like)  I used Mom's Best Toasted Cinnamon        
1 c. non-fat Greek yogurt*
2 T honey
1/4 cane sugar or sweetener of choice to equal the sweetness of a 1/4 c. sugar
1/8 tsp cinnamon (omit if you choose a different cereal)
a few dashes of salt

Combine cereal and milk in a large bowl and leave unattended for 30-45 min.  You may want to drop in, stir, and eat a piece of cereal every now and then.

Place a strainer over a second bowl (big enough to catch the milk) and dump the milk and cereal into it.  Smash cereal against strainer to extract as much tasty milk as possible.  Don't throw away cereal.  There will be lots of yummy cinnamon and milk left in the original bowl so be sure to use a rubber spatula and scrap that all into the strained milk. 

In a blender or if you're fortunate, a Vitamix, place 1/3 c. of the reserved mushy cereal, the yogurt, honey, sweetener of choice, salt, cinnamon and 1/4 c. of cereal milk.  Blend until smooth, abouts 1-2 minutes.  Add the remaining cereal milk and bled until combined.

Pour mixture into your ice cream maker and follow their directions, or give it to your pioneer who will make it in a barrel.  My KitchenAid took about 24 min. of spinning and humming until it was ice cream.  Now, you can eat it all right away, which I recommend because the texture is top notch right out of the ice cream maker (of course you'd be sharing with others.)  You can also put it in an air-tight container and freeze until you're ready to eat it.  I'd advice taking it out, eh, around 15-20 min. before you want to eat/serve it, as it gets pretty hard in the freezer.  Crunch up left over cereal and sprinkle on top for extra WOW factor. Wow!

*if you are not going to Florida and prefer a richer treat, substitute the almond milk and yogurt for 2 c. milk and 1 c. of cream.  Soak it all with cereal and forget about reserving mushy cereal to blend with it.  Strain as instructed then blend with honey, sugar, etc.

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